Oral sol 30mg/ml (ranitidine)

BT x (BOTTLE x 150ml) + (1 syringe x 5ml graduated 0,1ml)

Galebiron is an oral solution that has a pleasant tutti frutti flavour. Galebiron’s active ingredient is ranitidine, that decreases the acidity of the stomach by antagonising histamine onto its H2-receptors, with a rapid onset of action. Ranitidine inhibits the gastric acid fluid secretion in basal and stimulated states, by reducing its volume and the amount of secreted pepsin as well as by increasing the local pH.

Ranitidine was discovered in 1976 and was introduced in clinical practice in 1981. It is included in the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the worldwide official document where the essential medicines for every healthcare system are listed.

It is widely used in the treatment of peptic ulcergastroesophageal reflux disease, and Zollinger–Ellison syndrome.
